Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just checking in to say that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. But I haven't made time for Bento making lately. I've been eating as healthy as possible and have continued my exercise program. I have gained a few pounds since my last post due to stress eating, but in the last week or so I have been reading more on nutrition, which always motivates me to make better choices, so I'm "back on the wagon" of eating healthy now. I think that having the mindset of forgiving yourself when you make wrong choices and picking back up and moving forward doing better is the way to go.
I'm also thinking that maybe some of the extra lbs. are from MUSCLES. Do you think? Hey, it could happen. I am much stronger than I was when I started exercising months ago and I have been regular with that, so it's quite possible there is some muscle under the layer of fat. :) I have big plans for 2008 so stay tuned...

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