Thursday, July 12, 2007

Food Log 7-12-07

6:15-Kashi "Nuggets" cereal with 1% milk and fresh raspberries

10:30-some cantelope, raspberries, and a sample "veggie ball"

12:35-Veggie Ball Lunch Bento (photo)

5:45 pm-samples of peaches and nectarines at the Farmer's Market and 1/4 of a peach when I got home (that peach didn't taste as good as the samples at the market. It LOOKED like a peach, smelled like a peach, felt like a peach, but didn't TASTE like a peach (like most of the produce I seem to eat these days with the exception of Whole Foods stuff).

6:30 pm-Turkey Roll Dinner Bento (photo)

8:15 pm-chocolate chip cookie (made by my daughter) and some hot decaf tea with milk and Splenda

Drank lots of water
Exercise: 90 min workout with x-bike, free weights, and weight machines.

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