Saturday, July 28, 2007

Spaghetti and Meatballs Bento Dinner 7-27-07

The spaghetti was brown rice pasta and I don't intend to buy this type of pasta again. It cooks up really poorly (sticks together in a clump in spots) and tastes just as bad. BUT it was all I had in the house, so I cooked it up. Meatballs are turkey ones from frozen (Trader Joes) and I cooked them a bit too long. I think next time I'll make my own. They really aren't that difficult. :) The sauce is Prego. :) French bread from Schwan's (comes frozen). Okay, this bread is really great. The whole family loves this bread. It has a good, fresh taste. Simple salad of romaine lettuce and cut up organic baby carrots. I put a raspberry vinegrette on the salad and didn't really care for that. Cheese on the meatballs is that sprinkle parmesean that most serious cooks frown upon, but my family loves it. :) Oh well, so dinner wasn't that tasty tonight, but at least we all sat down to dinner, right (minus the oldest who was on a date)?

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